Organic tampons:Worth it or just great branding?
December 11, 2018
When it comes to your vag, you want the BEST. For a lot us menstruators, every month we shove a wad of cotton (or is it?) material up there without thinking twice about it.
If you're a fan of good branding like I am, you've probably seen a bunch of companies popping up that are v concerned about how you soak up your uterine lining. We needed to get to bottom of this: are organic tampons better?
Because we're dedicated to finding what's best for your coochie, (and because the ladies at Ovee spend so much time together that we're cycle synced 💁🏻) , the past 3 months we've been testing the trendiest of trendy tampons to give you the unbiased, lowdown on three organic tampon brands: LOLA, CORA, and THINX.
So which tampon was the best? There really wasn't one! We couldn't come to a consensus because vaginas are like snowflakes––each one has a different shape and rate of precipitation.
It's important to find what works for YOU and not fall prey to beautiful packaging.
Still not sold on going organic? The choice is 100% yours! During your period it's most important to find a product that makes you feel the most comfortable.
Here are a few general thoughts from the Ovee Team on organic tampons:
Need help choosing the right organic brand for you? Check out our #THOTS:

Fairly Comfortable
Convenient for women with a consistent period
Better for the environment (though they still use a plastic applicator)
Expensive AF
Felt no difference from the drug store brands
Applicator not as user friendly (refer to bathtub shooting incident above)

That packaging 🔥 🔥 🔥
No plastic waste
Extremely comfortable
Also expensive AF. $6 for 10 tamps
Insertion was tricky w/out applicator
Not as easy to find

Applicator was easy to use
For every month's supply, they give a month to girl in need
Also pricey (but might be worth it with the donation?)
No noticeable difference from drug store brands
"I tried Lola first . I didn't feel a difference between regular (tampax) tampons and LOLA. It was comfortable once it was in but getting it in wasn't easy. When i tried to pop the applicator open, the tampon shot into my bathtub. It was very alarming. The fact that it’s better for the environment make me feel better, but as far as my vaginal health, I didn’t notice a difference.
If my period was regular, it would be great having it shipped every month, but alas that is not the case."
"The applicator was way easier to use than LOLA. The super size was aggressive going in, but pretty comfortable once it was in there. It didn’t feel that much different from my other tampons. I did really like with Cora that they give back to women and provides for women in need. Appreciate that my excessive tampon use is benefiting someone besides myself!"

"FULL DISCLOSURE I chickened out when i saw the size of the Cora tampon. I have the opposite of a heavy flow and wide-set vagina. I know I know you're all thinking 'that bitch woe is you."
"Applicator free which I like because it feels like I’m being more environmentally conscious.
I tested these after having trouble using tampax tampons. I hadn't had a period for 5 years and Tampax felt really uncomfortable at first. Tried these for one cycle. Overall I think they were shorter and smaller than the store brands. Which is good because I didn't have a very heavy flow. Felt pretty comfortable and I didn't notice it was in there at all.
THE DOWNSIDE, they are expensive AF. I paid $6 for 8 tampons! Really not cost effective and could only find them at Bulletin in NYC or on their website."


the winner is...
There really wasn't one! We couldn't come to a consensus because vaginas are like snowflakes––each one has a different shape and rate of precipitation. It's important to find what works for YOU and not fall prey to beautiful packaging.